Sunday, July 31, 2011

Really, again?

So last night I had yet another dream about a bug. It was a big ass beetle about the size of my finger, but fatter. It was maroon in color and basically looked like a big ant, but was a beetle... gross! It was intelligent. I was sitting in a room with a friend of mine and kept trying to tell her to look at it but she was too preoccupied with something else. So I started yelling "Don't you see it there?! It's huge! It's looking at me!" & as I pointed at it it stood up and looked at me and started charging after me, to which my friend finally looked up and got up and pushed it away with a phone book. Then I picked up my friends plastic robot dog toy and started throwing it across the room at the bug to kill it but I kept missing & my friend yelled at me that I was breaking her things. Things pretty much kept going on like that; trying to kill the bug and failing. Finally I woke up then was extremely creeped out and felt like I had bugs all over me. Ish, not cool!

To see a beetle in your dream, indicates that some destructive influences may be at work in your waking life. You may also feel that your values and beliefs are being compromised. If you dream that beetles are crawling all over you, then it indicates that a lot of minor issues are bugging you.

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